Sunday, May 30, 2004

Small groups

Time Magazine (April 5, 2004) reports that Socrates Cafes are springing up all over the country. These are small discussion groups based on the Socratic method of questioning. This article led me to think about the efficacy of small groups in my life:
1. The Minter Lane Book Club. Since 1983 we have read and discussed 186 books, broadened our reading interests and drunk gallons of iced tea and coffee.

2. My Highland Small Group. They surround me with grace, compassion, and strength.

3. Trilogy. My spiritual formation group with Jeanenne Nichols and Kaye Price-Hawkins in the last nine years has formed and empowered me to surrender to the Spirit and grow in Christ.

Thanks to all the members of these groups. You have made me a wiser, happier, and better person.

Thank you Lord for friends who warm and comfort me, for those who make me laugh and for those who dry my tears. Surely your small group in Bethany did the same for you.

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