Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Another Christmas come and gone

I hate it when good things come to an end. Why does that always happen? I guess to make room for more good things.

We had a wonderful Christmas although the day was gray, rainy and gloomy, we made up for it in fun.

The gifts (Santa and otherwise) were properly oohed and aahed over, the meal was delicious, and by 4:00 p. m. I was ready to come home and admire my treasures.

The girls and Sam seemed to love the car I gave them--I hope it gives them many hours of pleasure. Christmas without children would not be Christmas. They add so much to the dimension of longing and impatience. Maddie just couldn't wait to open presents on Christmas Eve. She was practically dancing with anticipation. She opened hers very quickly and was disappointed when the opening came to an end. Ella opened hers very deliberately, looking at each item, making it work, etc. Sam just kind of floated through the whole melee playing with paper.

What a day. Loved it. Thank you God for all those fine blessings brought to us by your son and for all the wonderful ones shared by family.

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