Thursday, June 15, 2006

Musing about theology

I have been wondering lately why I am so impatient with theological stuff. Why do I turn off preachers who enjoy mystifying their listeners with theological terms. Why I seek the "Human" touch in ministers: a human touch which must know that not all of their listeners went to seminary, have read the latest Dallas Willard book, or who have suddenly seen the efficacy of dawn to midnight reading of the Bible. Why do I protest so much against the very adademic and intellectual knowledge I wish I had?
Oh, yes, I do wish I knew Greek and Hebrew; I do wish I knew the difference between Aryans and Gnostics; I do wish I knew what triumphalism is; I do wish I knew the
theological philosophies of any number of dead white men I have heard mentioned lately.

The truth is, I don't think it really matters to God that you know ancient philosophies, what the Greek word is for baptism, or how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Am I closeted in my church of Christ bubble, am I being anti-intellectual or what?

I don't know.

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