Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Memories

I woke up yesterday morning to The Easter Song, sung by Second Chapter of Acts--one of my favorite Easter recordings by the group which was probably the first Christian CD we ever bought. It brought to mind past Easters:

As a little girl in Hamlin, Texas wearing black patent leather shoes, white socks and a pretty pink silk dress (made by my mother) entering the church where everyone had preened for Easter--but no evidence of Easter was in the building--no flowers, no songs, no sermon.

As an older high school girl buying a pink hat to go with yet another pink dress at Mode O'Day on Pine Street in Abilene. Entering the same church and still finding no evidence of the resurrection. Maybe we did sing "Low in the Grave He Lay."

As a young mother stuffing Easter eggs for Brandon and laying out his new clothes. Going to Minter Lane in Abilene where there were still no flowers, but a cross, songs and a sermon by Landon Saunders on Easter.

Later at Highland in Abilene, wearing new clothes (not pink) and seeing the cross draped in white, hearing Val Durrington sing "He Is Alive" and Mike Cope preach on the resurrection.

At Otter Creek (old building) participating in a choir, rehearsed and led by my son, singing Easter songs and hearing an Easter sermon by Tim Woodroof.

Yesterday, wearing a new periwinkle blue jacket, greeting all those who came in, smelling Easter lilies in the foyer, singing Easter songs, Lee Camp preaching on Turning Points (which the Easter Story definitely is). Enjoying the Rembrandt etchings and photographs of crosses by Jerry Atnip decorating our art gallery in the foyer.

Thank you God that at least my part of our fellowship pays homage to that glorious day when Christ arose and spread his love forever on those who believe.

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