Thursday, June 03, 2004

Grand dreams

After yesterday's confession about not reading the Old Testament, I must say that Nehemiah is fast becoming one of my favorite books of the Bible. It is a book full of grand dreams, accomplished goals and the faithfulness of God.

After reading Nehemiah, I begin to ask myself, do churches in my fellowship have grand dreams anymore? Or are we just trying to tread water in this secular culture? Where are those dreamers who predicted we would evangelize the world by 2000? Where are those visionaries who broke new territory in theology and practice in the 1800's? Where are those writers capable of writing books which inspire us rather than lull us into a mindless Never Never Land where nothing ever changes?

Oh, I know there a few scattered souls who look FORWARD and who also ask us to "revision" like John Mark Hicks, Jeff Childers, Max Lucado, Mike Cope, Leonard Allen and Rubel Shelly. That is, when they are not spending their time defending themselves against heresy charges.

Lord, I long to be part of a fellowship buoyed up by hope, enthusiastic about the future--a fellowship which is successfully cross-cultural and inclusive. Give us strong hearts, courageous voices and incisive pens to lead others to your grace.

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