Thursday, March 16, 2006

Women of Faith

Here's another woman of faith I admire:

Teresa of Avila

Teresa was born in Avila Spain in 1515. She was the "wild child" of a Spanish nobleman with impeccable morals. She loved riding her black horse at full gallop through the town with her black hair streaming behind her.

When her father heard that she was engaging in mild flirtations with the town boys, he immediately put her in a convent. She remained cloistered until her death in 1582.

While in the order, she became a reformer of the Carmelites and established 14 houses of nuns. Teresa often suffered life-threatening illnesses during which she heard voices and saw angels. She became a fervant "pray-er" and felt such an overwhelming presence of Christ in her life that she had to write about her experiences.

Her books Teresa of Jesus and The Interior Castle are religious classics .

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