Sunday, July 03, 2005


My neighbors shot fireworks in their backyard last night until 1:00--rather than report them to the police, I turned off all the lights in my house and enjoyed them.

It brought back fond memories of fireworks in Groesbeck. Sam's Uncle Ralph loved fireworks and always spent a lot of money on them when we came, because Sam loved them too. Watching the adults last night helped me recall when the adults would leave the group in the driveway, go squat down with a match and then quickly retreat to the group as the bottle rocket went off.

I remember the delicious delight of holding the roman candle waiting for the thump and eruption of color. And holding sparklers gingerly awaiting the sting of the first sparks. There are some powerful things out there now for the general public--one of the displays last night reminded me of the finale at the fireworks in the stadium in Abilene.

Happy fourth of July! I am thanking God for sending me to this country and for the freedom he has given me in Christ.

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